We've compiled answers to many of the question we get asked.
Boulder Airport FAQ
Detailed information on topics such as:
- What would it cost to close the airport?
- Does the airport protect us from other plane traffic?
- Leaded aviation fuel
- Noise pollution
- Aerial emergency services
- The airport and science
- Airport economics
- Plane crashes
- Can we legally close the airport?
Neighborhoods FAQ
Detailed information on topics such as:- What kind of neighborhoods would replace the airport?
- How many homes and businesses could be built there?
- Why not build housing in other places instead?
- Who is leading the Airport Neighborhood Campaign? Is this a front for developers?
- Why are we talking about this now?
- Voices of local neighbors and leaders in favor of repurposing the airport
Myths and Facts
Short and sweet answers to common myths perpetuated by the aviation community such as:- Myth: If we close the airport, we lose critical emergency services and put Boulder at risk
- Myth: Closing the airport would cost the City of Boulder $100 million
- Myth: Most noise complaints are generated by the same few unhappy neighbors
- Myth: A recent local study proves that leaded aviation fuel is not a problem
- Myth: We don’t need to worry about leaded aviation fuel because unleaded fuel is coming
- Myth: Clean, quiet airplanes will soon replace older planes
- Myth: We need to keep our airport for “the future of aviation”
- Myth: The housing built at the airport site won’t be affordable
- Myth: We know that the community wants to keep the airport