Read what other supporters have said

"This should be the number one priority for the City of Boulder and Boulder County. We pride ourselves for our open space, inclusiveness, environmental leadership, and active life style, but the airport is counter to all of that. It is a massive piece of land that serves a small, privileged few while at the same time our daily lives are being adversely impacted by worsening noisy skies, lead pollutants, and 60,000 daily commuters who can't afford to live here! By the way, we have owned are home for over 30, no, we are not a recent resident now complaining about an airport that pre-existed. Instead, we have seen numerous flight instructors take up residence here, the purchase and expansion of the glider operation, and powered hang gliders lierally playing overhead. The sheer growth in the volume of flights, the deafening noise levels, and the total disregard for adopting less intrusive flight patterns leads us to the conclusion that "it is time to go"...hopefully, the airport operations, not us!" - County Resident

"I am all for people being free to enjoy hobbies, but this airport is totally out of control in terms of the number of flights taking off, landing, and circling overhead. The noise and pollution is unbearable. Please re-purpose the sit."

"My horse is boarded in the county lands of Boulder. At times, several planes at once will drone overhead, sometimes low and noisy. Wonder about lead gas pollution ?? Etc. I do support Boulder's values of equity, inclusivity and environmental advocacy and leadership" - Outside Boulder Resident

"Incredibly noisy operation, with limited community benefit.  We live near the airport and see the same 3-4 airplanes circling the Palo Park neighborhood. Most are flight school / flight club associated so for every 1 take off there 8-9 approach practices (the city only reports ‘take off/landing’ in its traffic reports.  Pilots frequently violate the noise abatement rules. The housing and property taxes for that land would have much more community benefit." - City resident

"I have lived in GB for over 6 years and it seems like the airplanes are getting louder and more obnoxious and disruptive. Please do something about this airport!! We have too many in this area!" - County resident

"The airport is a large underutilized space in Boulder. We need affordable housing more." - County resident

"We need to shut down Boulder and Vance Brand Airports and move them way out east!" - County resident

"The constant noise and air traffic over my home and neighborhood is exposes homes to possible destruction and the noise on a beautiful day is maddening.  Its disrupts the peace when trying to enjoy a nap with the window open, and any out door enjoyment. The airport would better serve the community as a space for more affordable housing, parks and natural environment for trails and wildlife."  - City resident

"There are other airports in Boulder County, we don’t need them all. Heli pad can be retained for emergencies. We need affordable housing!" - City resident

"'You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and practiced on.' -- Benjamin Franklin (regarding the dangerous use of lead in print shops). Leaded aviation gas used by small piston planes is still in use decades after being banned by the automotive industry and centuries after the harms of lead exposure were widely understood. Stop poisoning Boulder residents!"  - City resident

"We walk in the Sawhill ponds area and the Airport noise sometimes exceed 80dB, well above noise ordinance levels. I also think we need space for housing, so closing the airport is a win-win for citizens." - County resident

"The airport is an albatross and it needs to go. The noise created by the glider tow planes and the air pollution they cause for a select few hobbyists' entertainment is a very bad thing. Why not build affordable housing, another homeless shelter and a lit tennis and pickle ball facility - The city keeps complaining about lacking the above, so why not solve many of these issues by using the airport real estate created by closing the airport. It's the perfect location for those entities." - City resident

"To those who say just don't live near the airport, I would point out as I have in the past that airplanes fly in locations that are not near airports. Duh!"   - County resident

"I am sick of the constant noise and danger the airport cause. I live and work on the flight path and it is crazy that I have to deal with this everyday. There are so many other airport close by including Longmont and such a need for affordable housing. CLOSE IT NOW!!!" - City resident 

"We've lived a neighborhood near the airport for 25 years. When we first moved in the airplane noise was not really noticeable, but in the last 5 years it seems to have gotten much worse. There are many more flights over our home, often the same plane -- probably practicing  touch and go landings. Some of the planes are much louder and annoying than others. The much busier airport of today is a nuisance and should closed."  - City resident

"We need more housing in boulder desperately, and to have a rich hobbyist space in desirable land flies in the face of that goal. This is seriously a no brainer" - Outside Boulder Resident

"Reduce noise and air pollution! Increase affordable and middle-income housing!" - City resident

"Ya let’s do it" - City resident

"We do need more housing, especially affordable housing, not air pollution and noise." - City resident

"Planes fly low over our neighborhood every day consistently. Very bad for health and environment--pollution, noise. Much better to make it into a beautiful, affordable, sustainable neighborhood with a fabulous view of the Front Range. There are plenty of other airports around the region." - City resident

"Love this idea to build Community" - City resident

"One thing that has not been mentioned much is the carbon footprint of these small plane enthusiasts." - City resident

"Thanks! Four Mile creek is the circle for planes trying to land… having the ultralight circling our neighborhood doing touch and goes over and over is a little much! Love the idea of a neighborhood." - City resident

"Decommissioning would inconvenience a few but that would be far outweighed by the benefit to the community of redeveloping that land in a thoughtful way." - City resident

"We need more housing! This airport is dangerous for the environment and there are plenty in the area outside of this one." - County resident

"If the planes would just follow the flight paths and other rules, they may not have pushed this so far. At this point, since the airport is overused by an under-representation of our community, it's not a good thing anymore for the rest." - County resident

"Better use of land and hobby airplanes contribute to the air quality issues" - County resident

"Airplane sound sometimes is just unbearable. I’m also concerned about pollution." - City resident

"I am excited for this opportunity. Almost 30 years ago, Denver had the vision to start planning for the future of Stapleton Airport. Today more than 30,000 people live there set among parks, transit, schools, greenways, and walkable retail. Stapleton (now called Central Park) was designed to capture the "Missing Middle" market that was moving to the suburbs in droves. It's been pretty successful. While we've got 179 acres and not 4,700, this is our best chance to build a mixed-use, mixed-income neighborhood. Thank you for taking on this initiative." - City resident

Close the airport! It serves only wealthy airplane hobbyists." - City resident

"I never understood all the Letters to the Editor complaining about the noise from small planes until I attended a memorial service held on a Saturday in east Boulder. The speakers could not be heard over the incessant loud noise from the planes. Then I got what people are upset about." - City resident

"Hopefully whoever is listening (city council?) to those most impacted by this will listen to our petition to keep our neighborhood without airplane noise and fuel in the air. A new neighborhood with businesses and homes would generate a lot of tax dollars for the city and county and continue to do so." - City resident

"We live directly in the flight path of Journeys tow planes. the noise from these planes is deafening, reaching 100+dbs as they fly directly over our home, all day, every day. It is now unliveable at our home. Please STOP IT!" - City resident

"Kings Ridge is buzzing with aircraft noise all day. I work from home and it is so loud sometimes I have to pause my conversations on the phone. Please decommission this relic from the past that no longer serves the needs of Boulder. Or, I will have to move to preserve my business and welfare." - City resident

"I live in 4 Mile Creek, and the plane noise is awful. I have to assume there is lead dust in my yard and in my lungs when I walk my dog. Boulder let's talk about what is right for residents and the community. It is not a Hobby airport." - City resident

"Let's use this part of Boulder for something more constructive than a rich person's polluting play thing that showers us all with lead." - County resident

"The amount of aircraft noise in Boulder has increased dramatically in recent years, and pollution from small aircraft is a safety concern. The airport serves a small number of citizens and imposes costs on everyone. Let’s turn this area into affordable housing instead. - City resident

"Take the long view. I served a full term on Planning Board about 15 years ago, when this issue came up. Had action been taken then, the present council would be building houses already!" - City resident

"I am a nurse, and have been for a decade, and I am unable to buy a home in the city that I serve, I can actually barely afford the rent. I would love an opportunity to be able to buy a home in Boulder, and not have to commute 30+ minutes to serve the community. - City resident

"Since moving to Boulder in 2020 from Montana, I’m shocked that the city of Boulder and residents tolerate the noise pollution from this airport for the enjoyment of a select group of hobbyists. It is shocking how disruptive the noise is during a pleasant walk on otherwise beautiful trails. Silence is an important part of the nature experience." - City resident

"The Boulder airport is insignificant to a majority of the residents of Boulder. Use this 179 acres for the entire community, not a privileged group of plane owners." - City resident

"The airport pollutes with both CO2 and noise. It does not align with Boulder values and only serves a very small number of people who often just use it for recreation." - City resident

"We walked the Sawhill ponds and the amount of airport noise exceeding 70 decibels on weekends in the summer is excruciating. Yeah if we don't need the airport we should put it better use" - County resident

"Planes go overhead so often we can no longer enjoy our backyard." - County resident

"Every day that the weather is halfway nice those noisy lead spewing tow planes go over my neighborhood. On nice summer days, there is a lot of loud extra noise coming from the dozens or hundreds of flights that circle around the area. Those frequent flights are pouring out heaps of pollution that adds to the toxic ozone levels. We should slow down the lead and CO2 pollution wherever practical. So please please shut down the airport for the good of our community's children and adults and animals, and our biosphere." - City resident

"The # of flights and corresponding noise level/pollution has increased greatly over my residence (4 mile creek subdivision). Extremely annoying and stressful. Disrespectful of my families quality of life" - City resident

"I have a business in the city of Boulder." - County resident

"The noise from planes landing at the airport is bad. They are flying at 7am and landing at 8pm. The planes fly overhead and disturb residents." - City resident

"With land so scarce and housing so expensive and out of reach for so many, it's time to take the airport's hundreds of acres and use them for a basic need like housing, not for an environmentally polluting pastime like hobby flying. Thank you." - City resident

"I live on White Rock Circle which is a high-density area of condos in a small unincorporated enclave surrounded by city boundaries in Gunbarrel West. We are as affected by airport noise as my city resident neighbors that surround White Rock Circle. On nice days, the noise is constant - environmental noise pollution and also lead pollution. The property occupied by the by the airport has higher, better and non-polluting uses such as low-income housing. Thank you." - County resident

"Peace and quiet away from plane and helicopter engines would certainly be a great relief for all!" - City resident

"I'm concerned with the continued use of leaded fuel. Ideally those that use the Boulder Airport can migrate to Longmont so that the land here can be repurposed for housing, however if the FAA won't allow that let's at least stop dumping lead over our city." - City resident

"The noise from the airplanes overhead is so unpleasant especially in the warmer weather. Those small planes are very loud and contributing immensely to noise pollution. I can’t hear the birds or other nature sounds in my yard. The airport should located somewhere further away from people’s homes!" - County resident

"At the very least, require mufflers on the air tractors." - City resident

"Totally agree! 179 acres for 200 people??? 10 airports within 50 miles??? Sounds like elitist privilege at it's best." - County resident

"I don't see a true need for this airport anymore" - County resident

"It's time to close the polluting and noisey airport that isn't used by the vast majority of Boulder CO citizens." - County resident

"I live near and walk the four mile creek trail in Palo Park and at times planes circle around every 5 minutes and these are very loud propellor planes. Also they often fly very low and destroy the peace of the riparian corridor, not to mention spewing lead gasoline and creating greenhouse gases just so the privileged few can spend a few hours of recreation. They need other hobbies and status symbols other than airplanes!" - County resident

"I am tired of the constant drone of airplane engines throughout the day and night." - County resident

"There is a better use of the airport property which will benefit many more people. The current noise, especially Mile High Glider Towing is intolerable for a growing number of us." - City resident

"I am an Air Force brat who grew up on Strategic Air Command (SAC) Air Force Bases. Consequently, I am very familiar with loud (B-52) jet noise and air traffic. However, I find the low-flying and noisy aircraft that constantly fly over south Boulder to be irritating, to say the least. I frequently observe the same airplane making low-flying circles over south Boulder for hours at a time thereby making enjoyment of my yard impossible. I've lived in Boulder since 1977 and the monotonous noise and increasing number of overflights from piper-cub type planes seem to be harassment. This is particularly true when two to four miles south of town there are very sparsely populated areas. Additionally, I no longer hike out at Walden Ponds since the noise from take-offs and landings, particularly planes towing glider planes for money, is so loud that frequently, you can't converse in a normal tone of voice with fellow hikers. One can only imagine how noise and pollution impact wildlife in the area of the airport. I think that the number of people negatively impacted by the Boulder Muni Airport far outweighs any benefit that a small number of pilots enjoy from the use of the facility. Respectfully," - City resident

"Small plane noise has increased dramatically the past 10 years. They mostly aren't traveling point-to-point; they come to the south end of town and circle endlessly. They're either looking at the view of the Flatirons or enjoying the updrafts - whichever it is, it's obnoxious. It is even loud indoors. Needs to be strongly regulated/enforced (even after the airport is closed)." - City resident

"I have been seeing low flying planes and gliders in downtown Boulder since the opening of BDU airport. Please keep Boulder clean and free of noise pollution, as well as the air pollution caused by planes. I think the airport should be closed and the land should be used for affordable housing." - City resident

"An issue for me with airport traffic is the incessant overhead noise and disturbance in wild places of western Boulder County and beyond. I have even been harassed while on the Continental Divide by a seemingly bored pilot of a small plane. Another hiker reported the same. Unacceptable! Please return the beautiful location of the airport to public use." - County resident

"Having a hobby airport in Boulder doesn't make sense. It goes against all of the climate change rhetoric that I hear. I have to put up with small planes flying over my house on a daily basis. My Sunday morning with coffee on my porch is disrupted by a plane spewing it's exhaust down on me. I fail to see what greater good this airport gets me. If we need an emergency strip then let's have that, but no more then emergency access. With all of the talk about building housing, this location seems perfect. Please consider this petition and fight against the special interest polluters." - City resident

"Excessive noise and annoying number of flights over North Boulder neighborhood." - City resident

"Airplanes have become a noise nuisance, especially in summer when trying to enjoy a nice time outdoors. They are so loud conversation must stop while they pass. With the Broomfield airport so close, is there some reason we need one in Boulder? Is there some overriding, serious public interest that is served? Or is this mostly hobbyist airport?" - City resident

"The planes are antique hobby prop planes used to mostly to tow gliders. They are noisy and a waste of resources." - City resident

"We are in a fight with the Rocky Mt Metro Airport. Check out the bill 24-1235. Let's get these dang airports under control!" - County resident

"When I first moved to Lafayette last year the most difficult part of my adjustment was the relentless noise from small private airplanes flying just feet over my house, starting at 6:30 in the morning, waking me up, and continuing literally every few minutes on some nice spring and summer days. Radar tracking showed many of them were out “joyriding”, meaning just going around and around, each loop overhead disturbing our peace and polluting our air. I have to sleep with my windows closed year round because of the early and late noise. Every time one of those planes passes over my house I am reminded that the peace and wellbeing of thousands of people is allowed to be compromised so one or two privileged people in their little planes can indulge their hobby joyriding in the skies above us. I urge the decommissioning of this airport ASAP." - County resident

"The airport serves a limited elite group of people wh can afford a very expensive hobby. The rest of us get no benefit. Additionally, we get a lot of noise from low flying planes which sometimes makes it impossible to hear what someone is saying. Affordable housing is a huge need." - County resident

"I live under the flight path to the airport and multiple planes a day fly below the FAA minimal altitude in their landing approach. They are loud and intrusive." - City resident 

"Public lands should be for the broad public- not a small group of wealthy aviators. The airport is not a transportation hub (nor should it be one), and is being used for an environmentally destructive pursuit instead of for the public good." - City resident

"More Open Space is drastically needed, and more housing for all classes. The tennis courts need to be included in this petition. Less exclusivity a must." - City resident

"Close it. Boulder needs more housing. The home prices are astronomical! We do not need 4 Airports in this small geographic area. Please think about the noise and pollution." - Outside Boulder resident

"This sounds like an excellent proposal to improve Boulder and minimize a substantial negative externality." - City resident

"That land could definitely be repurposed to benefit a wider group in the community" - County resident

"Please decommission the Boulder Airport. There are many uses which would provide so much more value to our community. The noise and leaded gas fumes are also big concerns. Thank you" - County resident

"This would be a massive improvement to Boulder and a much better use of land!" - City resident

"During the warmer months, the overhead noise from the propeller planes can be truly annoying, and the lead pollution they spew can be truly worrying. And we need affordable housing for sure. Let's move ahead and do what's best for Boulder." - City resident

 "In addition to the concerns presented below [in the petition], I do not like the exorbitant use of fossil fuels for the purposes of entertainment of people." - City resident

"Both the noise and lead pollution are unhealthy for Boulder citizens. Let the land be used for much needed affordable housing." - City resident

"This airport needs to be shutdown. There is a plane accident in the US almost every day, and the noise bombs flying overhead I donot want these people controlling our property." - City resident

"We live in Palo and there is zero control over noise levels on these planes as they come into land. We have Broomfield and Longmont and Boulder’s airport is a relic from when the city had more space. It seems pointlessly dangerous and a noise polluter. The City can use the land more wisely." - City resident

"I strongly support this petition, which will inconvenience a small number who currently use the airport (and there are alternatives relatively close by) in favor of housing, which is desperately needed in our community." - City resident

"Live near Baseline and Foothills Parkway. On bluebird days it is constant drone of tow planes taking up sail planes and releasing them over our neighborhood. The noise is rediculous." - City resident

"I support turning this under-utilized, noisy, polluting resource which benefits few into housing and a community resource for many." - City resident

"There are over 700 homes in the neighborhoods of Four Mile Creek, Northfield Commons and Sale Lake. All in the city of Boulder, all directly under the flight path of the airport. At the present time these city residents have planes flying 500 feet or less over their homes 50,000 times per year. A Cessna 172, a common airplane that uses Boulder Airport burns 7 to 9 gallons of leaded aviation fuel per hour. The exhaust created by burning one gallon of leaded aviation fuel contains approximately 2 grams of lead. According to the EPA, no level of lead is safe. It is time to stop the lead pollution over Boulder, especially the children living in the 700 homes under the flight path." - City resident

"I support the decommissioning of the airport . This land is city owned and therefore grants the city an opportunity to create housing that is affordable and regulated to provide services as well. Housing by way of city zoning control is one of the best ways to provide affordable housing according to Housing First Reports." - City resident

"I am in total support of decommissioning the Boulder airport and using the land for another purpose. I am aggravated daily by the loud planes flying over again and again. They are so loud I often think they’re about to crash into the neighborhood." - County resident

"The Boulder airport is public land that serves a tiny fraction of the public. Additionally, through promotion of carbon-spewing private air transportation, it actively harms the public and isn’t aligned with Boulder’s climate goals. We should repurpose this public land toward goals that benefit the Boulder public rather than actively harming them." - City resident

"I live one block South from Arapahoe Ave and the airport is one mile North. I have severe hearing loss and wear hearing aids. But despite this I can hear the obnoxious tow planes endlessly grinding East on Arapahoe." - City resident

"It's hellish to be outside on nice days and constantly listen to loud planes pulling gliders over my house. How 1 persons hobby can annoy 70,000 people at once is pretty selfish." - City resident

"These planes harass wildlife at Walden Ponds and Sawhill Ponds in Boulder County and destroy the ambience of visiting these nature preserves." - City resident

"Aviation and its dependence on fossil fuels significantly contributes global warming. If the citizens of Boulder want to make themselves good global citizens we should not support an airport, especially one that is used primarily for recreational purposes." - City resident 

"The leaded fuel issue is a significant danger especially for young children. Noise pollution has significantly increased last several years to the point that it is intolerable (potentially contributing to mental health issues). Lastly no one has been talking about the potential for a plane to crash in a residential neighborhood. Why tolerate such risks when airport can be moved to an unpopulated area reducing hazards over a heavily populated urban area. The community has changed thus the airport must change. If airport can’t be moved or shut down, ban leaded fuel NOW, develop schedule to require plane engines to be quieter, change plane routes to be outside city limits NOW. Why should a Community of thousands of people bear health risks for a few hundred that use airport? Settling for doing nothing because of FAA rules or inertia is a cop out." - City resident

"The airport serves few and they can have their fun at the Longmont or Arapahoe airports. We need the land to serve the community, not just a few well off flying enthusiasts." - City resident

"I think it is vital that we build more housing. This seems like a very sensible thing to do to enhance Boulder. I agree with this petition" - City resident

"Our community needs more housing for the 60,000+ people who commute to town every day more than we need to support aviation enthusiasts. The airport serves no purpose for 99.6% of the community." - City resident 

"There are times I cannot carry on a conversation with my husband in our backyard. It is constant from 8:30a to 3:30p. The song of the tow planes can be heard inside with the windows closed." - City resident 

"I enjoy the peaceful quiet of the lakes and nature, but in the spring and summer there is a constant drone of small airplanes flying overhead. A car or motorcycle with loud exhaust would get ticketed, and that noise reaches far fewer people than an airplane." - County resident

"I have been concerned for a long time about the building in Boulder. I live downtown and there are buildings for housing going up everywhere. It would be great to use this land to provide more housing." - City resident

"Noise pollution! Contact Neguse, Bennet, and Hickenlooper to help release Boulder from the FAA. We can not enjoy this area of Boulder when the glider tow planes are in the air." - City resident

"This is housing near where many people work and in close proximity to the East Boulder Subcommunity that’s becoming more vibrant with recent zoning changes. It’s well connected to bike paths and centrally located. It’s a great opportunity that Boulder should make the most of." - City resident

"I support the idea of permanently affordable mixed-use housing at the current BDU site. Since the City of Boulder owns the Boulder Airport and given its location, it simply makes sense to maximize utilization of these 179 acres to benefit families. The concept plan for the BDU site is very appealing and given all of the problems associated with the Boulder Airport over the years, I wholeheartedly support this petition." - County resident 

"tons of land, used by a privileged few" - County resident

"This is a terrific solution to both the affordable housing challenge and the air and sound pollution from the airport. Strongly support!" - County resident

"No way do I want a flipping airport! Jeez" - City resident

"I support the closing of Boulder Airport since it is the source of much noise pollution. The frequent noise from the glider towing planes is a frequent daily nuisance. Great idea to put something more useful on that site. Thank you!" - City resident

"The planes fly right over my house and the number and frequency has substantially increased since I moved into my home in August of 2016. The constant noise (starting at around 6am) keeps me from sitting outside in warm weather, and the pollution in the area - particularly in Summer - is horrible. Day on day, I get alerts on my phone telling me to stay indoors because of the air pollution. Why are we allowing planes to use leaded gas when we know the damage it does. We don't allow it in cars. Sacrifice the many for the few? Enough." - County resident

"We need to solve our housing crisis with more housing!" - City resident

"Permanently affordable housing for residents, especially for essential workers to live in the town they work in, and less hobby pilots? Yes please!!" - City resident

"We need a habitat, not a hobby." - County resident

"I live in incorporated Boulder. The small aircraft traffic has been incessant, disturbing, and flagrant disregard for the environment. For a City that purports to be a conscientious steward of the environment, it has done NOTHING to remove the biggest environmental hazard - BOULDER MUNICIAL AIRPORT. Air traffic is noisy, a constant reminder that some of "us" can waste combustible fuel, and physically threatens residential neighborhoods. What if there's crash? Perhaps all Federal, State funds towards Boulder's environmental protection, preservation, sustainability ought to be ended until the airport is moved and the air space above the city/unincorporated Gunbarrel area is declared a no fly zone. Boulder Municipal Airport has outgrown it's original & intended use model. Residents are negatively impacted by the current volume of air traffic. It is time to move the airport out of Greater Boulder to accommodate air traffic volume." - County resident

"My neighborhood is in the flight path and I can’t wait to move because of the noise. I wish I would have realized it before we purchased. A vibrant housing and community development would serve the needs of the greater community." - City resident

"I find it infuriating that the City had approval for a bike trail that was revoked AFTER the project was begun due to a hobby airport." - City resident

"My kids go to Boulder High and when I call them in sick there is an option to “understand how air quality affects your child” vis-à-vis respiratory illness. Yet here we are polluting our air in the city of Boulder, the city that touts climate change solutions, denounces heat islands, wants inclusivity, zero emissions, recycle, compost, nature and open space, etc. There is such a disconnect Between what the city advocates for it residents and The reality of our lived experience. Profound hypocrisy." - City resident

"I work in Boulder city proper behind the Walgreens on valmont and 29th and the tow planes are deafening and loud. That airport site would be much better converted into a neighborhood- I love that vision. That land would be much better utilized for greater good for housing businesses and parks." - County resident

"As a property owner in Boulder city, the noise and pollution from increasing volume at the airport is concerning. The allowance of such doesn't reflect the values of the community and area in which we pay a hefty price annually to inhabit." - City resident 

"Chronic exposure to airport noise and lead emissions from planes is degrading the quality of life in the neighborhood as well as enjoyment of the nearby Cottonwood Trail. One often cannot hear the wildlife over the noise of the planes." - City resident 

"Constant low flying air traffic. Pollution! Noise! Potential danger from air accidents. Potential danger to wildlife. This has no place in a busy residential area. Please convert this to a usable open space for all of our residents, not just those who have hobby planes. - County resident

"We have lived in a neighborhood a couple of miles west of the Boulder airport for 16 years. The loud plane engine and propeller noises and air pollution from low flying planes is a constant annoyance to us and thousands of our neighbors. There was even a midair collision between an airplane and glider which caused a crash close to our neighborhood. We support the closure of the airport and this development plan for a park, shops and restaurants and low income housing project." - County resident

"Please add my name to the list of concerned citizens within Boulder County who feel it is time to take a serious look at the noise and air pollution emitted from local airports." - County resident

"It is outrageous that that these few pilots are subsidized by our tax dollars to spread so much misery, especially compared to the number of people who would benefit from an alternate use of the site. It shouldn't matter that the airport users have had a privilege for so many years. It's time for the City to decide on a more appropriate use of the land they own." - County resident

"This location would be amazing for a neighborhood!" - City resident 

"Our neighborhood is surrounded by the city of Boulder but was not incorporated into the city when built." - County resident 

"This would be a step in the right direction for the environment, for housing, for our community." - City resident

"Even though I do not live in Boulder, I work in Boulder, attend CU Boulder, and love hiking all around the city. Cleaner air will always be a win!" - County resident

"Yes Please! We don’t enjoy sitting in our yard on beautiful days because of the frequency of noisy planes over head, and we are concerned about the air quality they leave behind!" - City resident

"This is an incredible opportunity to meaningfully expand the supply of affordable housing in Boulder. I strongly support converting the airport to housing which Boulder desperately needs." - City resident

"Please, please, please do this, it would help our neighborhood so much to avoid lead based poisoning and noise pollution. Their are plenty of other airports closely for these enthusiasts to go to. These plans are flying way too close to our homes and spilling lead-based gas into our windowsills. I have small children and I want them to be healthy. We had no idea when we moved here that there is an airport so close by. This would change so much and make us so happy to be here. With the noise and the hazards we have been looking for a new home. Thank you so much for considering this measure and we hope that it passes. If there’s anything we can do to help please let us know. Thank you so much" - City resident

"Constant plane noise disrupts my life, work, & peace. Can't enjoy open space- the main draw to buying in this location. Feels like I'm below a constant ww2 'dogfight'."  - County resident

"Housing and homelessness are at the forefront of the discussion every single election cycle, they are among the biggest concerns of residents. Not a single time have I seen, or heard of, "upgrades to the Boulder Municipal Airport" at the top of anyone's concerns. Take this rare opportunity to increase the amount of housing in Boulder; remove the airport and design a sustainable and affordable neighborhood." - City resident

"The health cost of burning leaded fuel exceeds the benefits of hobby access." - City resident

"Given Boulder’s sustainability goals and housing needs, maintaining an airport for hobbyists using leaded gasoline is wrong and inequitable. It should be closed and developed into a new mixed-use neighborhood (Scenario 4)." - City resident

"I have friends who have moved from Boulder and the number one issue for them was the airport/noise issue. Even on the most western area of the city where I live, the noise is often disturbing from the low flying aircraft. I also have neighbors who are pilots and have used the facility to train and fly. This is just too much dedicated land to the use of a hobby that is so destructive to our environment. The other local areas, Longmont, Broomfield have airports that would be a great resource for these flying enthusiasts." - City resident

"Boulder needs more housing and this is an incredible location. I feel for the aviation enthusiasts but these little planes could be moved further East where they won’t affect residential centers so much. It’s not a necessary transportation site it’s a niche interest group that takes up a ton of land that could benefit more members of the community." - City resident

"The spirit of the City of Boulder has always been to protect the environment and character of our city. Back to the time the “Green Belt” was established. The activity at this airport, as well as the type of fuel used by the majority of airplanes using this airport, are definitely not consistent with neither, the spirit and character of our community, nor the various policies the City has enacted over many, many years." - City resident 

"I moved to Gunbarrel in 2018 and have lived and worked in the Boulder area since 2011. I never knew there was an airport in Boulder until about 2 years ago when the tow planes started getting so bad I could hear them from my backyard and private pilots out of BDU started practicing loops over my home. I haven't been able to get any answers about why all of a sudden the tow planes are so loud - I've contacted the airport gliding businesses and never gotten a response. I'm sick of all of the noise and lead pollution from a few wealthy elites and the constant noise from tow planes. They've ruined local trails like the LoBo, Walden Ponds and the Bobolink trail; you don't even hear bird song anymore, just the constant drone of planes. This isn't the Boulder we voted for and the Boulder we love. It's time to take a stand for our kids, for the future, and turn that land into something that the whole community can benefit from." - County resident

"There is no use for this airport, besides people with money that want to fly in and out of this tourist city privately and it’s not doing any good for the community of Boulder. This space needs to be put to use by something that can benefit the city as a whole." - City resident 

"We need to consider the wildlife on open spaces surrounding the airport. Deer, birds, beaver and other animals rely a noise-free environment to communicate and survive. The noise from airplanes is non-stop and loud at Walden and Sawhill ponds most days. 200 pilots do not have the right to cause so much air and noise pollution just because they want to practice their touch and go maneuvers as they circle endlessly over our open spaces." - City resident

"I walk to and from the bus stop to go to Boulder High School, sometimes with earplugs because the noise is so loud. I knew the airport was a few miles away when My parents moved here, But it wasn’t loud when we moved here and the planes were not constant. I don’t know what has happened in the last few years but the planes are constant on any nice day, now there is never five minutes of quiet, even in freezing temperatures. My parents say they can’t stand the noise and the lead pollution over our organic garden. I don’t like the noise either but I don’t want to move again. I’m going to college soon but want to come home to this house and my bedroom, I don’t want pollution to force my parents to have to relocate. I don’t like the fact that we have to walk our dog often covering our ears because the noise is so loud. It’s even really loud in our backyard and the planes are not supposed to fly over our house but they do anyway. My brother has asthma and it is really bad when he comes home from college, I wonder if it is because of the lead pollution and the lead dust emitted from all of these planes that fly over our house all day long. Sometimes my brother won’t come home because his asthma and allergies are so bad. I hope the time that I’m taking to fill out this petition actually helps and matters. I hope the people in charge do something soon. Please do something, I don’t understand why this is happening when Boulder is so climate friendly." - City resident 

"I have to wear earplugs to walk my dog, the air pollution and noise has gotten so bad that I am considering moving from my long-standing home. I am at my wits end and I am thankful that there are a number of us feeling the courage to speak out against what is antithetical to everything Boulder stands for. The lead pollution is real, even though you can’t see it, lead dust is the leading cause of lead poisoning and it’s spewing all over our yards and gardens. Middle income housing is a great concern to the city of Boulder yet, here is all this land waiting to be doubled in size for use of an airport for the few hobbyists and out of towners who don’t pay landing fees. I don’t understand what is happening to the city that I moved to and embraced due to its promise of peaceful living and climate friendly policy. Here we are with NOAA, NCAR, NIST etc Spouting climate change and at the same time leading to the emissions that is causing the very problem everyone is trying to solve. Is this the definition of insanity? Where does it end?"- City resident

"My mom and dad moved to our house four years ago and we wanted it to be our forever home. If nothing is done about the airport, they will move because the noise and pollution is unbearable. The airport traffic is against everything that Boulder city stands for and is against the very reason that our family moved here. I really hope something can be done because I don’t want to move, I really don’t wanna move . I am So sad about The increase in volume of these airplanes taking off and landing and doing touching goes, the noise is constant and I remember it used to never be this bad." - City resident

"The airport will double to 400+ flights per day in the near future if nothing is done. Developers are waiting to expand the tarmac and effort hangers with Moore plumbing, electricity and buildings The airport and the lead pollution is hypocritical to everything Boulder stands for with regard to climate change, heat islands and emissions Of toxic pollutants. It is against everything the city stands for by keeping that land for the benefit of a few aviators locally and a bunch of aviators that come from out of the city because there are no landing fees here. Mini planes aren’t even local residents, they are practicing their touch and goes because there are no landing fees. Many planes do not adhere to the traffic patterns and fly willingly over noise sensitive areas, trespassing on air space above homes, and it’s only a matter of time before there are some serious collisions and consequences. One of the cities main goals is affordable middle income housing, wouldn’t that benefit the people of Boulder over A toxic carcinogenic airport in the middle of the city that is serving on the a few hobbyists. Middle income home ownership as well as parks and greenery is aligned with Boulder values and the reason that we all live here. If the city of Boulder cannot be responsible about the values it exposes then our family will have no choice but to move." - City resident 

"The take off path is directly over my property." - County resident

"I grew up in Boulder County, and the number of planes in the sky now versus when I was a kid is distressingly high, and I just seriously can't understand who it benefits. I of course understand that it's a cost-benefit analysis, like all matters, but it's hard to see what the benefit of that airport is to the people of Boulder, especially when the costs--for example, literal poison falling from the sky on all of us--are so blazingly obvious and horrific. Who benefits from those planes? I mean, seriously! I'm so thrilled to see this campaign taking shape. I have literally never spoken to a single person who is happy about the situation. Boulder is really the right city with the right values for stepping up and reclaiming our skies and our soil! (Or so we claim! I hope our leadership shares the values that make Boulder such a special place.) This really has the potential to be a very simple win-win-win-win-win situation. I believe in you, City Council! You have a chance to do something truly heroic here. Please listen to the people and make the right decision!!!" - Outside Boulder resident 

"I used to live near Jay Rd. The noise was annoying. A much better use of the land will be a residential mix." - County resident

"I detest the noise made by those small prop planes. One in particular (white w red markings) sounds like a lawn mower in the sky. " - County resident

"I suffer from asthma and any relief we can get from adding to the pollution trapped in our valley would be amazing for my quality of life! " - County resident 

"The noise from the airport has increased exponentially in the last few years for those of us in the Gunbarrel area. The airport benefits way fewer people than the hundreds of us that it negatively impacts." - County resident 

"I live 1 block north of Jay. The noise from the rookie pilots practicing their landings is terrible. Calling the airport is always a waste of time." - County resident

"I am directly affected by all planes taking off and landing at the Boulder airport, and I am tired of knowing I'm being poisoned by an elite few wealthy enthusiasts, let alone the incessant noise pollution!" - County resident 

"The airport is not only a nuisance in terms of noise pollution but is contributing to water and air pollution on a daily basis- in order to positively improve the quality of life for those living in Boulder the airport should absolutely be closed. " - City resident

"We need more housing, not more air pollution. ​" - City resident 

"The tow planes with glider are obnoxious! Circling over and over above my home, every day, sometimes releasing the glider just a 100' directly overhead. Don't ever get a break, not even on a Sunday morning. It's like living in a B "Biker" movie, the outlaws circling the victims over and over again revving their loud Harleys to intimidate them. Good riddance!"  - County resident

"I teach outside at a nature preschool, and I am an avid hiker and birder. Many times each day, I am disturbed by planes flying overhead. They drown out the lessons I am teaching my preschoolers, mute the bird song, and intrude on serene moments in nature. Unlike road noise, you really can't escape the planes. Sawhill and Walden Ponds are both extremely impacted by these flights. I would like to see the Boulder airport closed, and peaceful, low carbon hobbies promoted instead." - City resident

"Absolutely support this proposal. We live in the avigation easement; I have two young kids and though I love to see the different air frames the concerns about lead particulate make this a no brainer for me." - City resident

"Here's to the end of incessant plane noise at Rabbit Mountain. " - Outside Boulder resident

"Can you own and fly a private plane and really care about climate change.... and the future your grandchildren will inherit? What's required to be a good human.....a good ancestor......OR are you ABOVE it all?"  - City resident

"How we use land in Boulder County is more important now than ever before. This is an opportunity to change the way these 179 acres are used to benefit all Boulder not just a select few . Let’s not squander this opportunity." - City resident

"Thanks for doing this. We need more affordable housing, not an airport.  - City resident

"It would be lovely to have neighborhood with more affordable housing!!! And, it would be healthier for ALL!" - City resident

"The noise, the air pollution, and the increasing frequency of flights over the City represent a safety and health hazard. It’s time to redevelop the airport for needed housing that middle income families can afford. " - City resident

"Closing the airport would definitely get rid of a lot of noise pollution that is hard on both people and wildlife. " - City resident

"Affordable Housing - we need it. Do not let the developers off the hook this time. " - City resident

"Even as I type this out, Journeys Aviation is blasting the skies over and over and over again. I cannot believe how this airport has been allowed to overtake this area of the city. How did this happen? I hope this effort is taken seriously by city leadership and measurable changes to bring our homes back to the conditions they once were are enacted SOON. There are times we can't watch TV. Times we can't talk on the phone. All because of this airport. How are these acceptable living conditions? Thank you for this and thank you for establishing a seat at the table and a voice. We've been ignored and denied for years. " - City resident

"We frequently walk at Walden Ponds. The planes taking off are extremely loud and bothersome. Often, the flight path of planes taking off (and sometimes landing) pass directly over our house/neighborhood and they are so low/loud one wonders if they are going to be crashing nearby on our hill." - County resident

"Small plane traffic is a source of lead pollution and also noise pollution. The constant drone of multiple planes circling overhead all day long is unwarranted. Why should 1 or 2 people in a plane be able to create noise that affects 10's of thousands of people? Would someone be allowed to drive around with no muffler for their car?" - City resident

"I do not support taxpayer subsidies and allocation of land to serve a small number of wealthy private interests in a highly carbon intensive activity. " - County resident

"ABSOLUTELY!!! Please rid us of the current BDU and replace it with the suggested visionary new neighborhood outlined in the petition. PLEASE--Do the right thing!!!" - City resident

"Good to have some sort of ground based noise recording that provides db decibel values."  - City resident

"Thank you for this effort!!! What a relief to finally have the negative impact of this airport be recognized!

I bought my home at the east end of the BDU runway in 1997. I bought this house specifically because it was quiet and semi-rural here. For 20 years, I loved it here and BDU was a fine neighbor.

Those days are GONE. Now, I hear every lap of every touch and go loop over BDU. I have seen up to five planes lapping like this at once. The east end of the runway is used for takeoff, so I hear every loud acceleration and climb, over and over. The constant churning and cranking of combustion engines permeates my home. Imagine these as very loud flying gas powered lawn mowers. This now happens all day, every day. There is no relief other than bad weather.

I can handle a few noise intrusions per hour. However, now it is now common to hear 30 to 40 per hour. In good weather, this traffic volume occurs all day long. The sky over my home has been turned into a motor sport arena for piston aircraft.

I don’t go into my yard any more. I don’t visit the beloved open spaces nearby either, because it’s only more exposure. Walden and Sawhill Open Spaces are hammered, as is the White Rocks Conservation Area. I feel deeply for the wildlife, which is also impacted but has no voice whatsoever.

The greater the traffic volume, the more my tension rises. My nervous system can’t take this. I use: noise cancelling headphones, masking sounds, going to the basement, leaving the house. Each of these helps a little, but none are sustainable all day every day.

Hosting and sponsoring BDU is so wrong in so many ways. Why do these people get to disturb and pollute so many people so widely? And, for mainly recreation? Besides suffering the pollution, I am required to subsidize this with my tax dollars, both local and Federal. And, the way the industry and the FAA roll, it will only get worse because their main objective is growth.

​Now is the time, and this is our chance to use that land for something actually benefits people and the environment, instead of serving the few at the expense of the many. 
 - County resident

"​We cannot think of anyone out here who likes the constant drone or noisy spurts of acceleration from the various pilots who train out here, as they over-saturate our skies in areas they have designated for training focus activities. It is disturbing and even... maddening. And you are hearing this complaint from the neice of an aviator and long-time admirer of human flight."  - County resident

"That a small group can use City property without oversite or restraint is the opposite of democracy. The lead poisoning is not the joke the pilot community paints. Across the country cities and counties are choosing to protect their citizens from lead poisoning. Hopefully the City of Boulder will find the courage to do the right thing."  - County resident

"We need our public land back to create a neighborhood inspired by equity, inclusivity, and environmental leadership. We don't need the noise and the pollution of private planes."  - County resident

"Please review this airport issue and rein in trouble and pollution. Leave something for the children. " - Outside Boulder resident

"Thanks for the excellent and comprehensive information!" - City resident

"I love the airport, but I recognize that Boulder needs to address the housing crises more than it needs a place for hobbyists to fly a plane. "   - City resident

"I took a vacation around Labor Day away from this active airport of ours. It was so nice to be away from the constant drone of engine noise. There is so much more traffic these past few years. Once I came back I realized just how annoying the constant noise is here.  - County resident

"My residential property located in Gunbarrel and Niwot are highly degraded due to the incessant noise pollution and other emissions from BDU aircraft. If the city of Boulder cannot properly manage the airport to reduce negative impacts, then we urge a transition to better use."    - County resident

"Please stop poisoning us with all the fuel droppped and us and the horrible constant NOISE" - City resident

"​Airport operations are major source of noise pollution over community areas of Boulder, including areas where one expects relative quiet in an urban area." - City resident

"Hello, I am writing to express my support for the grassroots effort to decommission the airport and transform the area into a new, mixed-use neighborhood.

I believe that the proposed conversion of the 179-acre space into homes, businesses, parks, and greenways is a visionary step towards creating a more sustainable and vibrant community. The concerns raised about the environmental impact of the airport, including issues such as lead, carbon, particulates, and noise, underscore the need for careful consideration of its future.

By signing this petition, I am joining others in advocating for a decision that aligns with the well-being of both residents and the environment. The argument that the airport serves a small group of people while contributing to environmental pollution is compelling and I believe that redirecting this space for community use is a positive and forward-thinking initiative.

I have signed the petition and will actively spread the word to encourage more individuals to join this cause. Let's work together to gather 1000 signatures and make a significant impact on the decisions that will shape Boulder's future for decades to come. Having the chance to contribute my voice to such an important initiative is truly meaningful to me. Thank you."    - County resident

"I am so sick of the damn airplanes. This is a wonderful idea." - City resident

"​I support this plan because it benefits many and not just a few as the airport does. Noise pollution from airport is unacceptable."   - City resident

"Even where we are in Boulder county in the mountains, we are increasingly impacted by the airport and flight patterns -- including noise and air pollution (which don't respect city limits)."  - County resident 

"This just makes sense. The number of actual people using that airport is very small and it's extremely elitist for our town to let a very small number of people have so much dedicated public land."  - City resident

"Boulder needs housing. So this site is a great opportunity to create a neighborhood with diverse residents and reduce in-commuting. My understanding is that the airport is only used by 350 -500 people. So converting the site into housing will have a much greater community benefit. ​" - City resident 

"Used to live in Boulder (Gunbarrel). Airport is the reason we left. ​" Outside Boulder resident

"I have many friends who live in Boulder, and the transformation of this beautiful space into a hub for living would solve many problems at once."  - Outside Boulder resident

"​Boulder is in need of housing in walkable 15-minute communities with mixed use to improve residents' well-being while reducing pollution. The airport is a major source of not only carbon emissions, but also deadly lead pollution. Its presence has already led the FAA to veto a planned multi-use path on the runway's approach, which could have provided a missing link between Boulder, Erie, and Gunbarrel. We can keep air services via a helipad while making much better use of the land on which Boulder airport now sits."  - City resident

"Lived very close to this airport for many years and this is exactly what should happen!!" - Outside Boulder resident

"Boulder needs more compact development that allows more people to live near where they work with car-lite transportation. This is an amazing site for such neighborhoods. Thank you for tackling this important work. ​"​ City resident

"This is the way! The city desperately needs permanently affordable housing - not private jets and noise. And the lead pollution is a crime against our own population that is not going away any time soon. If the FAA had the political will to ban lead, they would have done it decades ago. The children and pregnant women living around the Boulder airport NOW will not get a do-over. We are Boulder. We are leaders in environmental sustainability, and we aspire to lead in housing affordability and social justice. Let's do the right thing. ​"  City resident

"​This is a great idea!!" - City resident

"​Orchard Creek Resident (Gunbarrel, CO). Planes constantly fly low over the neighborhood - irritatingly loud and disruptive."    - City resident

"This is a great site for housing neighborhood-serving retail out of the floodplain with great views. Given the city owns ~135 acres of the 179 acres (the city has accepted FAA funds for 44 acres, the debt of which could be paid for by developers wanting to build on that acreage). This is a great place for a land bank and middle income housing-probably no other place in the city as good. We do not need an airport catering to hobbyists and any other current uses at the airport can be done elsewhere. Does the city continue to cater to <200 individuals for their hobbies when ~2500 homes could be build serving ~4500-5000 individuals who need housing???" - City resident

"We have lived in a "Quiet Zone" since 1995. Since the pandemic started we have LOUD low planes flying over our house. These planes are flown by students and they regularly crash. They are spewing lead exhaust. Our back yard and veg garden have become unusable due to the lead contamination and constant loud noise. It was not a problem until the flight schools started up during the pandemic. The pilots clearly do not respect our neighborhood. We are NOT next to the airport! We are supposed to be a Quiet Zone. Absolutely hellish." - City resident

"Thank you for this effort! Boulder needs to do something about this airport. It's constant noise and pollution every day the sun shines. It wasn't always like this and now we are forced to live under constant aviation. A stunning turn of events for living in Boulder. I thought we were more environmentally conscious than this?! " ​City resident

"The logical conclusion is that the best course of action for Boulder's future and citizenry is more housing (affordable!), and less lead and noise rather than an airport that serves a couple of hundred people." - County resident

"Lead and noise pollution from Boulder airport must be stopped. There is no safe level of lead for children. Boulder has always prided itself on being a pioneer in climate change and social initiatives. We need to stand strong as a community on this issue. People over profits, period. It's time to stop allowing a few elite hobbyists and flight schools to compromise our children's health for their own wealth and gains."  - City resident