Unveiling the Health Impacts of Leaded Aviation Fuel
Dr. Robert Boutelle is a particle scientist who has authored procedures for working with lead nano materials. On August 31, 2024, Dr. Boutelle gave a talk about the health impacts of lead in aviation fuel. Piston engine aircraft, like those using Boulder Airport, burn this fuel.
In 2022, Boulder Airport sold $110,000 worth of leaded aviation fuel. This contained 488.4 pounds of lead. On burning, 95% of the lead in aviation fuel is emitted in the form of dust nanoparticles.
A May 2024 Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment study shows that proximity to an airport has a statistically significant effect on blood lead levels of children. It says, "results suggest the potential impact on children’s blood lead levels is greatest at distance less than 2 miles from an airport location.” This talk provide images showing homes, schools, and daycares located within this radius of Boulder Airport.
Other highlights from the talk:
- The link between children’s blood lead levels and proximity to airports is clearly established
There are three risk factors from exposure:
- duration of exposure,
- amount of the toxin to create an impact, and
- bodily response
Lead from avgas exposure is bad across all three risk factors:
- the exposure is continuous,
- only a tiny amount causes a negative impact,
- it is particularly absorbable by the body and difficult to detoxify
- Even tiny amounts of lead can permanently impact a child’s ability, potential and future earnings
- The risk from an airport can be comparable to and at times worse than the Flint Water Crisis
- Children’s blood lead levels correlate with both fuel sales and proximity to an airport
- Many Boulder city and county residents live within two miles of Boulder Airport
- There are schools and childcare centers within two miles of Boulder Airport
- Due to the constant exposure and tiny particle size, it is very difficult to mitigate for lead emitted from avgas
- Leaded aviation fuel will not be gone in 2030
- HEPA filters can filter for COVID, but not lead particles from avgas